Building a Greener, More Ethical Digital Infrastructure

Responsible Supply Chain Policy

We partner with suppliers committed to sustainability, security, and ethical practices. Our Responsible Supply Chain Policy ensures minimal environmental impact, fair labor practices, and strong privacy protections, delivering reliable, eco-friendly hosting.

Effective Date: August 14, 2024

We are committed to ensuring that our entire supply chain aligns with our values of ethical responsibility, environmental sustainability, and operational excellence. 

As a web hosting provider, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities in the digital infrastructure industry, and we expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to the following principles to support our commitment to sustainable and responsible operations.

Compliance with Industry Standards and Regulations

Our suppliers must comply with all applicable industry-specific regulations, data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA), and service standards, especially concerning security, privacy, and network reliability. They should follow best practices for IT infrastructure, data centers, and cloud services, ensuring full legal compliance in all jurisdictions where they operate.

Which means: We work with suppliers who follow the laws and standards in the hosting industry, particularly when it comes to protecting data and ensuring service quality.

Data Security and Privacy

Suppliers must prioritize the protection of customer data and maintain robust cybersecurity measures to prevent data breaches, unauthorized access, and cyberattacks. This includes following strict data encryption protocols, ensuring compliance with privacy laws, and regularly updating security measures.

Which means: We expect suppliers to keep customer data safe with top-notch security practices and privacy protections, helping us maintain trust and service reliability.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability

We are deeply aware of the environmental impact of data centers and related infrastructure. We expect suppliers to operate energy-efficient facilities, prioritize the use of renewable energy, and actively reduce carbon emissions. Suppliers should seek opportunities to minimize energy consumption and carbon footprints in server operations, cooling, and other hosting-related activities.

Which means: Our suppliers should be running eco-friendly operations, especially in data centers, by using less energy and relying on renewable resources whenever possible.

Ethical Sourcing of Digital Infrastructure

We require suppliers to ensure that the hardware and software they provide are sourced responsibly. This includes avoiding the use of conflict minerals, ensuring fair labor practices in manufacturing, and choosing vendors who align with sustainability goals. Suppliers should also prioritize equipment designed for longevity, recyclability, and minimal environmental impact.

Which means: We expect our suppliers to source their tech infrastructure responsibly, ensuring hardware is ethically made and environmentally sustainable.

Commitment to Uptime and Reliability

Suppliers must adhere to strict service level agreements (SLAs) that ensure the reliability, performance, and uptime of the services provided. This includes ensuring redundancy, disaster recovery plans, and proactive monitoring systems for both hardware and software infrastructure.

Which means: We rely on suppliers to provide reliable, high-performing services that keep us running smoothly with minimal downtime.

Social Responsibility and Fair Labor Practices

Our suppliers must uphold the highest standards for labor practices, ensuring safe working conditions, fair wages, and respect for workers’ rights. This includes avoiding forced labor, child labor, or any form of exploitation. Suppliers should create workplaces free of discrimination and harassment while promoting inclusion and diversity.

Which means: We partner with suppliers who treat their employees fairly, ensuring safe working environments and fostering inclusion.

Sustainable Digital Solutions

We encourage suppliers to offer sustainable digital solutions that reduce waste in server management and other operational processes. Suppliers should continuously explore new ways to optimize server virtualization, reduce the carbon impact of cloud services, and contribute to the development of greener hosting technologies.

Which means: We prefer suppliers who help us offer greener digital services by continuously improving their sustainability efforts.

Transparency and Ethical Business Practices

Suppliers must commit to transparency in business dealings and ethical operations. We expect our partners to operate without corruption, bribery, or unethical conduct. Suppliers should provide full visibility into their sourcing, pricing, and operations, allowing for ethical supply chain management.

Which means: We expect honest business practices, with full transparency from our suppliers about their operations and the services they provide.

Commitment to Innovation and Continuous Improvement

The hosting industry evolves rapidly, and we expect our suppliers to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Suppliers must commit to regular updates, upgrades, and innovations that align with industry trends such as enhanced security protocols, energy-efficient technologies, and customer-centric service improvements.

Which means: Our suppliers need to stay ahead of the curve by adopting the latest tech advancements to improve security, efficiency, and service quality.

Monitoring and Accountability will regularly monitor and assess supplier performance in relation to this policy. This includes conducting audits, collecting performance data, and reviewing compliance with our environmental and ethical standards. Suppliers who fail to meet these requirements may be subject to corrective action or termination of the business relationship.

Which means: We’ll keep an eye on our suppliers to ensure they meet these standards and may stop working with those who don’t align with our values.

By implementing this Responsible Supply Chain Policy,  we aim to set a high standard of sustainability, ethical practices, and technological excellence across our supply chain, helping us deliver secure, reliable, and eco-friendly hosting solutions.


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