Anti-Spam Policy

ReallyGoodHost is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in our services. 

As part of this commitment, we have established this Anti-Spam Policy to ensure that our services are not used for the distribution of unsolicited commercial emails (UCE), bulk email, or spam.

Effective Date: August 14, 2024


Definition of Spam

For the purposes of this policy, “spam” is defined as any email or other electronic communication sent to individuals who have not explicitly opted in to receive such communications. This includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited commercial email (UCE), bulk email, or messages sent to email lists or newsgroups in violation of applicable laws and regulations.

Prohibited Activities

Customers of ReallyGoodHost are strictly prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

  1. Sending Unsolicited Emails: The sending of any unsolicited emails or other electronic communications is strictly prohibited. This includes sending emails to individuals or entities who have not expressly consented to receive such messages.

  2. Using Third-Party Mailing Lists: The use of third-party email lists that contain email addresses obtained through any means other than explicit consent of the recipient is prohibited.

  3. Forging Headers: Forging or altering email headers or other identifying information to deceive recipients about the origin of an email is prohibited.

  4. Harvesting Email Addresses: The collection or harvesting of email addresses from the internet or other sources without the owner’s consent is prohibited.

  5. Distributing Malware: The distribution of viruses, trojans, or any other malicious software through email or other electronic communications is prohibited.

Compliance with Laws

Customers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to spam, including, but not limited to, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and any other relevant laws in the jurisdictions where they operate.

Reporting Violations

If you believe you have received spam from a customer of ReallyGoodHost, please report the incident to our Abuse Department at Please include a copy of the unsolicited email, along with any additional information that may help us investigate the issue.

Enforcement and Consequences

ReallyGoodHost takes violations of this Anti-Spam Policy seriously. We reserve the right to:

  1. Investigate Complaints: Investigate any complaints received about potential spam or abuse originating from our network.

  2. Suspend or Terminate Accounts: Suspend or terminate the accounts of customers found to be in violation of this policy, without notice or refund.

  3. Take Legal Action: Take appropriate legal action against customers who engage in spamming or related activities, including seeking damages and injunctive relief.

  4. Assist Law Enforcement: Cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in investigating and prosecuting cases of spam or related criminal activity.

Updates to This Policy

ReallyGoodHost reserves the right to update or modify this Anti-Spam Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and it is the responsibility of our customers to stay informed of any updates.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this Anti-Spam Policy, please contact us at

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